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Vendor Account

Welcome to Platsify's Vendor Account Policy page. Here we list the Vendor Account rules you need to know when selling on Platsify.

Access your Vendor Account here.

1. Fraud And Scam Prevention

Dear Vendors, Recently Platsify received a great deal of information on various scams that are carried out through other resources while posing as either Platsify resources or resources associated with it. To Vendors, Platsify suggests to be more vigilant when receiving instructions to divulge verification codes (OTP) or any other sensitive information concerning the Platsify account under the pretext of account verification or any other reasons. Platsify never asks the Vendors to provide codes (OTP & PINs) for gifts / presents or so called problems. The following is a guide that vendors can use in order to guard their own identity details.

Security Notes:

  • Only access the official Platsify website via your Platsify Vendor Account
  • Keep your personal information such as passwords, banking details, tax ID and credit card details secure
  • Be wary of people pretending to be Platsify and ignore messages that do not go through official Platsify channels such as email addresses ending in and verified social media pages
  • Avoid opening suspicious links or attachments in messages, even if they appear to come from Platsify.
  • Be wary of signs of a scam website such as strange fonts, misspellings, unusual grammar.
  • Do not trust buyers who try to redirect to websites other than Platsify
  • Use strong passwords/PINs, report any suspicious activity or communications to Platsify sales support

Common types of fraud and scams:


Fraudsters impersonate official employees of organizations (Ex: Credit Card, Local Bank, Delivery Partner, Telecom Service, ...) or Platsify employees to defraud victims of assets or gain access to accounts

Phishing Links

Phishing Links occur when a scammer sends you a message that looks like it is sent from Platsify. The scammer offers a marketing campaign or an appeal service by sending a link that looks like Platsify's domain name. They then convince you to click on that link to redirect to Platsify's official website. Here you are asked to enter personal information, credit information, passwords, OTP, ...

APK Malware

Malware occurs when a scammer sends messages that look like they are sent from reputable organizations, then convinces you to click to download APK files. These can steal your account, including the information you registered in it.


Report Fraudulent Activity: If a Vendor receives any suspicious communications regarding their Platsify account, please contact us immediately.

We hope Platsify has provided useful information for Vendors to feel secure in conducting business on Platsify!


2. Vendor Return Policy

When there is a request for a return from a customer, the return order will not be sent to Platsify's address, but will be sent to the Vendor's address, with the purpose of helping Vendors proactively support customers in returning products.

When customers have a return request, the Customer Service (CS) department will guide customers to contact the Vendor at the address on Vendor Center for support in returning the product.

When there is a request for return of goods, the Vendor's Vendor account will receive a notification about this request. After 5 business days, if the Vendor does not update the order status and shipping status, Platsify staff will contact the vendor according to the contact information that the vendor has registered, and Platsify will also limit the number of orders per day of that vendor.

Within 10 business days from when Platsify staff sends the email, the Vendor needs to contact the customer to guarantee the product for the customer. After the warranty procedures are completed, Platsify will reopen the limit on the number of orders and the Vendor can continue to do business as usual.

After 10 business days from when Platsify staff sends the email, if the Vendor still does not have any action regarding contacting and accepting the return for the customer, Platsify will permanently close the vendor's booth


3. Customer Information Protection Policy

Platsify is committed to protecting the personal data and privacy of its customers. The purpose of this Customer Personal Data Protection Policy is to provide clear guidance on what is and is not allowed to be done with customer data.

What is “Personal Data”?

Personal data is considered information that, by itself or in combination with other data accessible to an organization, can identify a user. For example, personal information includes: name, phone number, email address, residential address.

Merchants are granted access to customer personal data to fulfill orders. For details on your obligations regarding personal data, please refer to the “Personal Data” section of your and Platsify’s “Terms of Service”. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of the Terms of Service and this policy, the provisions of the Terms of Service shall prevail.

Important Rules:

1. Vendors are not allowed to use customers' personal data for any purpose other than fulfilling customers' orders. For example:

  • a. Mentioning customers' information in messages (e.g. Whatsapp, LINE, etc.) or on social networks without the customers' permission.
  • b. Sending emails or calling customers for promotional purposes or other activities not through Platsify.
  • c. Sending packages/products that customers did not order.

2. Vendors must use adequate security measures to protect and store customers' personal data safely and securely. This includes taking all reasonable steps to ensure that customer data will only be accessed for the purpose of fulfilling customers' orders. For example, ensuring that customer lists are password protected is one way to protect such customer data.

3. Vendors are not allowed to share, transfer or disclose customers' personal data to unauthorized third parties without the prior written consent of the customer and Platsify.

4. If the Vendor suspects that your computer has been compromised and data may be exposed (for example, you accidentally send an email or message with personal data to someone else), please contact us immediately at [email protected] so we can assist you immediately.


Violation of this policy may result in the immediate closure of the store. Violations of this policy will be carefully considered by Platsify staff and Vendors may also submit an appeal through the Development Center, but Platsify's decision will be final.

To start selling on Platsify, you need to register a new Vendor Account or upgrade your personal Platsify account to a Vendor account.


4. Vendor Account Activation Process

a. Register a Vendor account

Step 1: Go to the Sign up page

Step 2: Select the option "I am a vendor"

Step 3: Fill in your personal information including:

  • Your Name (required)
  • Your Email (required): Please enter your correct email, we will send a registration confirmation email to the email you provided.
  • Password (required): Password must be at least 6 characters
  • Password Confirmation (required)
  • Shop Name (required)
  • Shop URL (required)
  • Phone Number (required)

Confirm that you have read and agreed to Platsify's terms

Step 4: Confirm your registration via email

We will send you a confirmation link to register your Platsify account via the email you provided above, sometimes this email can be hidden in the spam folder. Please check your email (including spam) and click on the confirmation link.

This verification process may take up to 5 business days. If after 5 business days you still have not received an email notification about your vendor account registration, please contact our Support Team for timely handling.

b. Upgrade your current user account to a Vendor account

If you already have a user account on Platsify, you can upgrade to a Vendor account by going to your account page, selecting the "Become a Vendor" tab, filling in your store information as instructed and submitting your request.

We will review your request within a maximum of 5 working days.


5. Unauthorized Access Policy

1. About The Policy

Unauthorized access to Platsify Services (as defined in Section 2) and the collection and use of information obtained through such means may be detrimental to the Platsify user experience

2. What is Unauthorized Access to Platsify Services?

  • Platsify Services refers to the Platsify Platform, Platsify Data, which may include data stored and retrieved from Platsify databases, and all other services, applications, and tools provided by Platsify to Platsify users.
  • Unauthorized access refers to the use of unapproved systems (e.g., software, devices, scripts, automated programs, or any other methods or processes, including the use of crawlers and browser add-ons).

3. Content of Unauthorized Access Policy

  • Vendors are not allowed to perform any form of unauthorized access to Platsify Services
  • For example, Vendors are not allowed to use any form of unauthorized API to create accounts, post products or manage their business in any way when doing business on the Platsify platform.

4. Consequences of violating the Unauthorized Access Policy

Vendors who violate the policy may be subject to the following sanctions:

Temporary account suspension, or permanent suspension depending on the severity. The final result will be decided by Platsify.


6. Business Principles

  • Vendors should not redirect customers to trade/buy outside of
  • Vendors are not allowed to send spam messages to customers through any communication channels, either on or off the Platsify platform.
  • Vendors are not allowed to use threatening, vulgar or hateful language or content in communication channels with customers
  • Vendors are not allowed to provide external phone numbers, email addresses or web addresses to customers. All conversations, especially those related to buying and selling transactions, are conducted through the Platsify website through the Platsify platform (e.g. Platsify contact, FAQ, ...). Platsify will not be responsible for any errors or fraud that occur in transactions conducted outside of the official Platsify platform.