Refund Policy

Platsify and most sellers on accept refunds on items within 30 days of delivery. After 30 days from the date of delivery, we do not accept return orders or refund requests.

We always ensure that you are satisfied with the orders you have placed on the website. To ensure your rights when placing an order, please refer to our refund policy with the following conditions:

1. Cancel order

If you cancel an order on the Plastify website before the order is sent. We will issue a full refund via the original payment method automatically, you do not need to do anything else after clicking "Order Cancel".

2. You return the order

As soon as we receive your return order, we will check to see if the order is eligible for a refund or not, and calculate the refund amount you will receive. We will automatically refund the original payment method you used. You can check the refund status in Your Account at the Orders tab.

If the product you return through verification is not eligible for return and refund, we will notify you of the verification results via your email.

3. Send a refund request

You send a refund request via email [email protected]. We will ask you to provide some information in the specific cases below to verify whether the order is eligible for refund or not:

a. Items received are wrong/damaged/defective

We guarantee a full refund for products you receive that are wrong/damaged/defective, including the following cases:

  • The product does not match the description on the website: Wrong product, wrong material, wrong size.
  • The product received was torn, dirty, wet, and had hair on the fabric.
  • The product received has obvious printing defects, is blurred or not in the correct position.
  • The product is damaged and the print peels off after the first wash.

Please contact the Customer Support Team for further assistance within 30 days of delivery. For orders over 30 days from delivery date, Platsify declines to support claims related to these cases.

  • Please provide us with the information below:
  • Provide order information to confirm order.
  • Provide images of packaging labels.
  • Photos of items and size tags/stock labels are framed.
  • Product images clearly show damaged/wrong/defective parts that are different from the description on the website.

* NOTE: For orders with multiple products, please provide product photos/videos placed side by side on a flat surface.

Once we receive all of the above evidence and confirm that the product is eligible for a refund, you will receive an immediate refund to the account you used to pay for the product.

b. The item is the wrong size from the one ordered

We guarantee a full refund in case the customer receives the wrong size product. Specifically, these products have measurements that are wrong compared to the product's size selection instructions (Difference of over 1.5" compared to standard product measurements).

Please contact the Customer Support Team for further assistance within 30 days of delivery. For orders over 30 days from delivery date, Platsify declines to support claims related to these cases.

Please provide us with the information below:

  • Provide order information to confirm order
  • Photos of items and size tags/stock labels are framed.
  • The image clearly shows the actual product measurements: width, length (Please use a tape measure to measure).

*NOTE: For orders with multiple products, please provide product photos/videos placed side by side on a flat surface.

Once we receive all of the above proof and confirm that the (unused) product measurements differ by more than 1.5" from the standard product measurements, you will receive your refund promptly. Go to the account you used to pay for the order.

c. Lost items

We guarantee a full refund in case your order is lost during shipping.

As soon as the tracking reports are delivered, we will send you an email to confirm that you receive the correct items you ordered from our website.  

Please check mailbox, area security camera, ask your neighbors and contact the local post office to make sure that your order isn’t being held in somewhere you haven’t checked.

Please contact our Customer Support Team immediately within 30 days of delivery if you haven’t received the package according to the email confirmation.

Please provide us with the information below to request a refund:

  • Order’s information.
  • Verified shipping address.
  • Verified from your local post office that you haven’t received the package. 

After you send us all the necessary information, you will receive a refund immediately to the account you used to make the payment for the order.

For orders over 30 days from the date of delivery, Platsify refuses to support claims regarding these cases.

NOTE: Order’s information includes:

  • Order code
  • Shipping address
  • Recipient’s information: Full name, Phone number, Email address.

d. The customers change their mind

We are very sorry that our products did not satisfy you.

We accept return and refund in this case. However, the Return shipping fee will be deducted from your refund amount, and the original shipping fee is non-refundable.

Eligible order conditions for refund:

  • The product is in original condition, with tags and labels still intact
  • The product has no signs of being used
  • Orders must be returned no later than 30 days from the date of delivery

Check the Status of Your Refund

Go to Your Account

Select Orders tabs

Select the refund order

If the Payment status displays as “Refunded”, it means that we have processed the refund. You do not have to do anything, the refund amount will appear in the bank account soon.

Refund Times

After we process your refund, it may take financial institutions a few additional days to transfer the funds to your account.

Refund Method

Refund Time (After Refund Is Processed)

Credit card

3 - 5 business days

Debit card

Up to 10 business days

Pre-paid credit card

Up to 30 days (depending on the issuer of the card)