Platsify and most sellers on accept refunds on items within 30 days of delivery. After 30 days from the date of delivery, we do not accept return orders or refund requests.

We always ensure that you are satisfied with the orders you have placed on the website. To ensure your rights when placing an order, please refer to our refund process with the following situations::

1. If you cancel an order on the Plastify website before the order is sent. We will issue a full refund via the original payment method automatically, you do not need to do anything else after clicking "Order Cancel".

2. You return the order. As soon as we receive your return order, we will check to see if the order is eligible for a refund or not, and calculate the refund amount you will receive. We will automatically refund the original payment method you used. You can check the refund status in Your Account at the Orders tab.

If the product you return through verification is not eligible for return and refund, we will notify you of the verification results via your email.

3. You send a refund request via email [email protected]. We will ask you to provide some information in the specific cases below to verify whether the order is eligible for refund or not:


For more details, please read our Refund Policy