Review Guidelines help to keep feedback on products and services on the Platsify platform relevant, useful, and informative for both customers and vendors, contributing to the building of a transparent and growing Platsify community.

Writing reviews is a way for customers to share their thoughts and shopping experiences with other customers, expressing personal opinions about the quality of products and services of stores on the Platsify platform, and is a valuable source of feedback for Vendors and Platsify to refer to, improve product and service quality, and enhance customers' positive shopping experiences.

By using the review writing feature, you agree to our Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy. You also agree to abide by these guidelines, which we will update from time to time.

What do these guideline apply to?

Actions you take, including: Sharing text, photos, videos or links using Platsify's review feature.

These guidelines do not apply to customer reviews of Platsify products and services on third-party review platforms such as Trustpilot, or Google reviews.

These guidelines do not apply to content within products or services sold on Platsify (e.g., text printed on products, product names, product descriptions).

Who can write product reviews on the Platsify platform?

You can only write a review for a product if you have purchased it and have a Platsify account. Only customers who are logged into their Platsify account can write reviews for products they have purchased.

If you do not have a Platsify account, sign up here. All your previously purchased items are stored in the Platsify account that corresponds to your payment email.

What is not allowed in customer reviews?

Comments about pricing or availability

If it's related to the value of the product, it's OK to comment on price. For example, For only $29, this zipper romper is really great.

Pricing comments related to an individual experience are not allowed. For example, Found this item here for $5 less than at my local store.

These comments are not allowed because they are not relevant for all customers.

Some comments about availability are OK. For example, I wish this towel was also available for 3 years old babe.

However, we do not allow comments about availability at a specific store. The purpose of the review feature is to share product-specific feedback that will be relevant to all other customers.

Repetitive text, spam, or pictures created with symbols

We do not allow reviews with distracting content and spam. This restriction includes:

  • Repetitive text
  • Nonsense and gibberish
  • Content that's just punctuation and symbols
  • ASCII art (pictures created using symbols and letters)

Private information

Do not post content that invades privacy or shares your own personal information in your reviews, including:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Mailing address
  • License plate
  • Data source name (DSN)
  • Order number

Hate Speech

We do not allow reviews containing hate speech. This includes any content that attacks or discriminates against individuals or groups based on:

  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Disability

Promoting organizations that engage in hate speech is also prohibited.

External links

We allow links to other products on Platsify, but not to external sites. Do not post links to phishing or other malware sites. We do not allow URLs with referrer tags or affiliate codes.

Promotional content

We do not allow reviews written as a form of promotion. We remove reviews posted by someone with financial interest in the product, or any other conflict of interest. The following are types of reviews that we do not allow and will remove:

  • A review by someone who has a direct or indirect financial interest in the product.
  • A review by someone perceived to have a close personal relationship with the product's owner, author, or artist.
  • A review by the product manufacturer, posing as an unbiased shopper.
  • Multiple negative reviews for the same product from one customer.
  • A review in exchange for monetary reward.
  • A negative review from a vendor on a competitor's product.

Compensated reviews

It is recommended that reviews should be the honest opinion of the reviewer. We do not permit reviews that are either posted, revised, or deleted in return for a fee. The types of compensation include monetary form, which include cash, reduced prices, free items, gift certificates, and money back. Some common examples of what’s not allowed:Some common examples of what’s not allowed:

  • Your order comes in, and there is a gift card as one of the products shipped to you. To redeem it, you first have to post a positive review to get it.
  • After leaving the negative review you get the email with the offer to get the refund if you change or remove the review.
  • You are given a text message, in which you are offered to get a full reimbursement if you buy a product and write a review about it.

Consequences for violations

The violations of the guidelines of this review decrease the trustworthy, safety, and usability of the community. If we detect suspicious behavior in reviewing, we might restrict the possibility of submitting a review. If we decide that you violated the guidelines, and we remove your review, you will be barred from writing another review of that product.

How to report a violation

Use the Report link on the product page containing the content you want to report or use the Report form to send a report to Platsify.

If someone offers to pay you to create, edit or delete a review, report it using the Contact form, please clearly state the content of the violation with evidence such as photos, links in the contact form to us

After receiving your report, we will investigate and take appropriate action.

Write Review On Platsify

To write reviews for products you have purchased. Go to your Platsify account admin page. Select the "Product Reviews" tab, which will display all the products you have purchased at Platsify, select the product you want to review and write your review.

Access your reviews

You can access and manage all your reviews in the Product Reviews tab in your customer account.

You have full rights to edit and delete these reviews.

You can also find a list of products you have purchased but have not written a review  in your customer account.

Edit Your Reviews

You can only write 1 review for each product you have purchased.

You cannot edit reviews you have written about a product. However, you can delete them and write a new review for that purchased item.

To delete a review you have written, log in to your customer account, go to the Product Reviews tab, select the review you want to delete and click the "Delete" button.

How Are Product Star Ratings Calculated?

The product's star rating is calculated by averaging the product's paid verified reviews.