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Community Guidelines

Platsify is committed to building a trustworthy and reliable platform for all of our users. The following Platsify Community Guidelines (“Community Guidelines”) should be read in conjunction with the Platsify Community Policy (“Community Policy”) available here.

If you come across any Content that you believe violates these rules, please use the Contact Us link to submit the Content for review by our team.

The Community Guidelines apply to all Users and all types of Content (including videos, video descriptions, comments, live streams, and any Services, Tools, or features available on the Platsify Platform).

How to read the Community Guidelines?

The Community Guidelines are part of the Community Policy. The Community Policy sets out the rules of conduct for accessing or using the Platsify Platform and Services, as well as the related sanctions that Platsify may take in case of violations of those rules.

The Community Guidelines are intended to provide users with information about prohibited Content as categorized by the rules below and set forth in the Community Policy.

Below is the structure of the Community Guidelines and you can find more details in the corresponding explanation:

  • Respect in Interactions
  • Data Protection
  • Safety and Compliance
  • Social Responsibility
  • Protection of Minors

1. Respect in Interactions

Platsify has a strict policy against harmful content. This includes anything that's offensive, disrespectful, or tries to divide people. This could be images, videos, comments, or even just words.

Bullying and Harassment

Platsify prohibits any form of bullying or threatening behavior directed at individuals, stores, or anyone depicted in images or videos, or other users on the Platsify Platform. This includes the use of inappropriate language, slang, or any other form of communication that is intended to mock, insult, or humiliate others in any way (e.g., through text, images, videos, live streams, emojis, etc.).

Do not post, upload, comment on, or share:

  • Any offensive, derogatory, or degrading content about another individual based on their appearance, personality traits, intelligence, mental, moral, or physical disability.
  • Any Content that insults, ridicules, defames, or further harms victims of bullying or manipulates unwanted content toward another User's image or video.
  • Any Content that encourages or facilitates bullying and harassment.
  • Any harassment by repeatedly sending unwanted messages to another User or sexually explicit or insulting another User using inappropriate language.
  • Any Content that suggests stalking or harassing any individual.

Hate Speech

Platsify strictly prohibits any form of harassment, threats, or violence directed at individuals or groups based on protected characteristics such as race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, disability, religion, sexual orientation, age, etc. The use of inappropriate language or slang to mock, insult, or humiliate others in any form (text, image, video, live stream, emoji, etc.) is strictly forbidden.

Do not post, upload, comment on, or share:

  • Any violent statements about the protected moral rights of other Users or in a general statement.
  • Any attacks on the protected moral rights of others or in a general statement that imply, suggest, or promote hateful, derogatory, discriminatory, or hostile comments or ideas toward any individual on the basis of their appearance, personality traits, intelligence, mental, moral, or disability.
  • Any attacks on the protected moral rights of others or in a general statement that express contempt, disparagement, or boycott.
  • Any use of derogatory or derogatory terms to degrade or attack groups or individuals on the protected moral rights or in a general statement.

Indecent and Inappropriate Content

Platsify prohibits Users/Sellers from sharing images or videos containing indecent and inappropriate content of individuals, whether explicit or implied. We strictly forbid content that is sexually suggestive, pornographic, or depicts sexual activities (whether consensual or not) on the Platsify Platform.

Do not post, upload, comment on, or share any content containing nudity, that are clearly or partially visible through translucent materials.

Violence & Abuse

Platsify strictly prohibits Users/Sellers from sharing any images or videos that suggest, request, describe, or promote graphic violence or accidents, including (but not limited to) violent tragedies or accidents resulting in death or serious injury, open wounds, or severe harm to humans or animals in any form (text, image, video, live stream, emoji, etc.).

Do not post, upload, comment on, or share:

  • Any images or videos containing deceased individuals or open wounds of humans or animals.
  • Any images or videos containing content depicting abuse, torture, fighting, or violence towards humans or animals.
  • Any images or videos depicting a violent accident that may result in death or serious injury to humans or animals.
  • Any Content that mocks or ridicules victims of violence.

Suicide & Self-Harm

Platsify strictly prohibits Users/Sellers from sharing/uploading any images, videos, or statements that depict, promote, relate to, or provide instructions on suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders in any form (text, image, video, live stream, emoji, etc.).

The following is strictly prohibited:

  • Any images or videos that depict or promote suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders.
  • Any statements expressing intent to engage in suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders.
  • Any statements encouraging or promoting others to engage in suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders.
  • Any online challenges or games related to suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders.
  • Content that encourages or promotes the misuse or dangerous use of products.

2. Data Protection

Platsify prohibits the posting of any images, videos, comments, phrases or third-party links that:

(1) are intended to collect or use data unlawfully;

(2) are related to the trading of any type of account information; and/or

(3) incite, threaten, or encourage the access, disclosure, or sharing of other people's personal data.

Spam and Fraud

Platsify strictly prohibits Users/Sellers from sharing unsolicited or unwanted Content. Additionally, Users are not permitted to collect or use other Users' data without explicit consent or clear disclosure.

The following content is strictly prohibited:

  • Any machine-generated Content shared frequently on the platform.
  • Any Content that redirects Users to irrelevant or unrelated websites.
  • Any Content that links Users to suspicious URLs and requires Users to log in before accessing relevant content.
  • Any Content intentionally designed to disrupt or overshadow other Users' Content.


Platsify strictly prohibits users from sharing, trading, or exchanging personal online account information, such as Platsify accounts. This includes any form of communication, including text, images, and videos.

Prohibited Content:

  • Account Login Information: Do not share or request account login details.
  • Account Transfers: Do not facilitate the transfer of account ownership.
  • Malware: Avoid sharing content that contains harmful software or viruses.


Platsify strictly prohibits Users/Sellers from sharing, buying, or selling any type of personal information in any form (text, image, video, live stream, emoji, etc.).

Users are prohibited from posting, uploading, commenting on, or sharing: (including but not limited to)

  • Any Content that shares personally identifiable information.
  • Any Content that provides or requests personally identifiable information.
  • Any Content that provides instructions aimed at identifying individuals without their permission or consent (e.g., hacking).

3. Safety and Compliance

Platsify strictly prohibits the posting of any images, videos, comments, or phrases that:

(1) threaten or cause physical harm to users, animals, or property;

(2) buy, sell, or promote illegal or unverified products;

(3) share unauthorized content; or

(4) promote other illegal activities, organized crime, illegal gambling, money laundering, or fraud.

Incitement to Violence

Platsify strictly prohibits any violence or any act triggering violence or threatening any human being, animals, property or human safety. Absolutely prohibited is the participation in, advertising of, or provision of support to any type of violent crime in any medium (written text, still picture, moving picture, live, emoticon, etc. ).

Prohibited content includes:

  • Any form of words that can harm a human being or any animal including threats.
  • Any verbal, gesture or message that pose a risk or loss to the lives of persons, animals or property.
  • Any declaration which avows, promotes or envisions a criminal deed or action, urging other people to use force, too. 

Intellectual Property 

Platsify also does not allow Users/Sellers to post any Content that is false, infringing, or didn’t have the permission of the trademark holder or the legitimate rights owner. For more details please visit, Our Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy.

You may not post, upload, comment, or share:You may not post, upload, comment, or share:

  • Any Content which is facilitating or requesting pornography, naked pictures, videos, songs, products, etc.
  • Any Content offering sexual explicit images, videos, audio, products, etc.
  • Any Content which teaches the user how to get hold of illegitimate picture, video, audio, goods and etc.
  • Any Content that can be considered as a violation of a copyright or trademark, or any other type of violation of the rights of third parties.

Fraudulent Activities

Content that potentially causes any form of pecuniary loss to other users from the Users is strictly prohibited on Platsify including text, images, videos, live stream, emoji and so on.

Users are prohibited from posting, uploading, commenting on, or sharing:

  • Any Content conveying false products, services, schemes or deals.
  • Content containing controversy or instruction of others to misutilize the features, tools or services offered by Platsify.
  • Any Content that provides personal contact details of others with an intention of making direct transactions or dialogues outside the Platsify Platform.
  • Any Content that bears the appearances of scams or trickeries such as fake lotteries and prize draws.
  • Any Content that seeks to mislead Users into thinking it is developing from Platsify as a formal communication will be considered as such.

4. Community Responsibility

Platsify prohibits the posting of any images, videos, comments, or phrases that:

In areas such as the following ones they can:

(1) distort or disseminate fake data;

(2) make inflated representation and misinform Users.

(3) It also avoids compromising the neutrality of Platsify on any political and moral issues.


Platsify prohibits Users/Sellers from sharing false, misleading, or manipulative information that could deceive others.

Users/Sellers are not permitted to post, upload, comment, or share:

  • Any Content that provides false information that could harm other Users.
  • Any Content that provides false information that could lead other Users into undesirable situations.
  • Any Content that is manipulated, forged, or misrepresents information to deceive others.

Terrorist Organizations and Dangerous Individuals

Platsify strictly prohibits Users/Sellers from sharing or supporting any terrorist organization or dangerous individual in any form (products, text, image, video, live stream, emoji, etc.).

Users/Sellers should not post, upload, comment on, or share:

  • Any Content that mentions, supports, or represents terrorist organizations or dangerous individuals, including (but not limited to) names, symbols, logos, flags, portraits, etc.
  • Any Content that coordinates, recruits for, or participates in terrorist activities or harmful imitative acts.

Protection of Minors

It is further important to prevent the minors from accessing any of the Content that may be targeted at or designed to abuse them, as labelled above. According to Platsify, a minor is anyone who is considered below the age of legal in the land where you are accessing as well as using the Platsify Platform. We also give further special consideration of the following rights to the minors. Any violation according to the rules and guidelines concerning Respectful Interactions and Safety & Compliance if it involves interactions with minors will be dealt with immediately by Platsify and we may report the violation to the police as required.